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Small scale semi truck.
I have always liked semi trucks. I have made more
than 20 truck models at this scale. This one was built beginning 2000.
This model was created to incorporate as many functions as I could
think of in the smallest scale possible.
The tractor is powered by two motors. Steering is done by a third
motor, and a fourth motor powers a LegoŽ air compressor. Yes, that is four
motors on the tractor.
The trailer contains two motors: one to raise and lower the stabilizer
arms and the other to rotate the crane.
This is the chassis base for the trailer.
You can see the wormgear mechanism for the stabilizer legs. In the end, all the legs are linked, so they raise and lower together. |
Next stage, now you see the turntable for the crane and the electric motor to power the stabilizer legs. |
Here you can see the rear stabilizer mechanism. On the finished trailer, there will be a micromotor to the right of the turntable to rotate it. |
This view shows the wire bundle going to the remote. You can see the air tanks and the two rear differentials (one per rear axle).
You can also see part of the drivetrain: two motors turning one cog wheel connected to the differentials. |
This is a good view. The living quarters of the truck contain the two driving motors (bottom) on top of which is the compressor motor (visible).
The steering motor will go in the driver's cab. |
This is the finished truck. The switches for the crane are mounted next to it on the trailer. There is an air hose running from the truck to the trailer. |
You can see a poor mockup engine under the hood. Due to lack of switches, the stabilizer legs and the turntable micromotor are powered by the same battery box, one or the other.
You can see a wire running in the back. |
The crane in folded position. Stabilizers up. Ready to go! I have some more crane action shots below... |